Online Danish Courses help newcomers and accompanying partners settle in Denmark

Online Danish Courses help newcomers and accompanying partners settle in Denmark

Online Danish Courses help newcomers and accompanying partners settle in Denmark

There is a lot to take care of when you are an accompanying partner, and you are starting a new life in Denmark. You might find it difficult to find time to learn Danish, even though you know it’s important. Katalin and Alessia found a solution to this. They were both determined to learn Danish, and to make everything work, they attended the Official Danish Education Programme online. This gave them the necessary flexibility to be able to help their children get going in their new schools, whilst learning Danish at the same time.
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Katalin from Hungary and Alessia from Italy are both accompanying partners. They are happy living in Aarhus and are eager to find work in the area. To achieve this, they are working hard to become proficient in Danish.

Learning Danish leads to integration

53-year-old Katalin and her husband and three children moved to Denmark from Hungary. They decided to leave due to the political situation in their homeland. Fortunately, Katalin’s husband found a job in Aarhus, and now the family has settled in successfully. Katalin has a background in HR, and she would very much like to find a job in Aarhus where she can use her professional skills, and therefore she is putting a lot of effort into becoming a proficient Danish speaker.

“It is important for me to learn Danish so I can settle here properly, so I can talk to my children’s teachers at school, the other parents, and our neighbors.”

Alessia is from Italy and lives in Aarhus with her husband, who works at Grundfos, and their two daughters, aged 9 and 11. Like Katalin, she also wants to be able communicate effortlessly in Danish in daily life, and she feels that she gets the best conditions from the lessons at UCplus.

“We always start the lessons by talking together about what we have done. Our teacher keeps track of what we do, and she asks us about the things we need to practice. And we work on getting better at speaking, writing, and grammar.”

Qualified language support and a regular teacher

Professional teachers, qualified language support, and flexibility. These are the core elements of UCplus’ online Danish courses. Being able to log into the lessons from home provides flexibility, which is crucial for many students, and Katalin feels that she gets a lot out of the online lessons.

“We cover many interesting topics that are about Denmark, e.g., the environment, equality, education and work. We talk about culture and traditions, and it helps us understand what Danish culture is like. Our teacher is creative and presents us with many different types of assignments. It means a lot that we have the same teacher. She follows us and knows what we can do and what we need to work on. She keeps us motivated and gives us the courage to keep learning and developing – even when it’s difficult.”

Tina Christiansen, who is one of UCplus’ online teachers, does not meet the students physically that often, but she still gets to know them really well.

“I have a lot of contact with the students. I write to them regularly, and we always talk about how they are getting on and what they have been doing since we last spoke. And the informal talks create a good community in the group while the students practice their Danish.”

Learn Danish at UCplus

Do you also want to start learning Danish? UCplus offers the Official Danish Education programs, which give you access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. You will be offered to start at the level that matches the number of years of schooling you have and your qualifications, and you can learn Danish online, or at one of UCplus’ language centers.

Read more and sign up here

Online Danish lessons help Tahereh in a busy everyday life

Online Danish lessons help Tahereh in a busy everyday life

Online Danish lessons help Tahereh in a busy everyday life

As an international researcher and mother of a two-year-old boy, Tahereh has a busy life. Originally from Iran, Tahereh is very happy to be living in Denmark, and she is determined to learn Danish, so that she can talk to her son, who is learning Danish at his daycare. She also wants to be able to speak Daish, so she van be a part of Danish life and society. In order to have time for it all, she attends UCplus’ online Danish classes, because it gives her the flexibility she needs.

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As an international researcher and mother of a two-year-old boy, Tahereh has a busy everyday life, but she still finds time to learn Danish, because she attends UCplus’ online Danish classes.

Learning Danish is important

Tahereh and her husband moved to Aarhus from Iran in 2021. They are both employed as researchers at Aarhus University. Tahereh spends her working hours  at the Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genome Research, where she works on a project that investigates whether certain genes lead to type 2 diabetes. 

Many of her colleagues also come from abroad. The working language at the Center is therefore also English, and naturally she speaks Persian when she is with her husband and their son. As a researcher and parent of a young child, she already has a lot to do. Consequently, it requires an extra effort to find the time and energy to learn Danish as well. But Tahereh thinks it is important that she learns Danish. 

“It is important that I learn Danish. My son has started learning Danish at his daycare, and it is important that I can understand what he is saying when he speaks in Danish. I would also like to be able to communicate properly with the pedagogues and generally be able to talk to people I meet outside the university.”

Online teaching: flexibility and skilled teachers

In order to have time for both her work and her family, Tahereh has chosen to complete the Official Danish Education by attending online classes. She is happy about the flexibility it gives her to be able to follow the lessons from home. And she is very satisfied with the teachers because they are skilled and because the teaching is relevant.

Tahereh does not think that Danish is that difficult to learn. At least not the grammar. Danish grammar is much easier than Persian grammar, she says with a smile. On the other hand, she, like many others, thinks that it is somewhat more difficult when she has to speak Danish herself, and especially the Danish pronunciation can be a bit of a challenge. But she takes on the challenge and continues to practice the tricky Danish vowels sounds.

“If I set my mind on something, I do it. I practice as much and as often as I can, for example when I have to go shopping. And then I watch Danish television. It’s often with my son, so we watch Peppa Pig together .”

Delightful Denmark

When Tahereh came to Denmark, it was the first time she had traveled out of Iran, and life in Aarhus is very different from the life she had been used to in the city of Sharekord, which is located well inside Iran about 500 km south of Tehran. But Tahereh is both curious and ready to adapt, so she has become very happy with her new life in the north.

“I find that people are really friendly and helpful here. And it’s a quiet country, which is nice. I also think that Denmark has a really good education system, so I’m happy to be here.”

Tahereh is wolring hard to complete the Official Danish Education. She has recently passed the module 3 test, and she has now moved on to module 4. Her goal is to continue until she can take the PD3 test after module 5.

Learn Danish with UCplus

UCplus offers the three official Danish Language Courses that provide access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. The courses are offered at three levels, each consisting of six modules. You will be offered the level that fits your years of schooling and qualifications.

Would you like to learn Danish online? Read more and sign up here.

Indian Danfoss employees learn Danish and become part of Sønderborg’s social life

Indian Danfoss employees learn Danish and become part of Sønderborg’s social life

Indian Danfoss employees learn Danish and become part of Sønderborg’s social life

Danfoss employees Suriya and his wife Abi from Chennai, India have embraced Sønderborg as their new hometown. They are both fully engaged in learning Danish, as they want to be able communicate freely with their colleagues, and they also want to take part in social life in Sønderborg.

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Abi and Suriya are diligent online Danish students at UCplus, and they practice their Danish in many ways, both on walks in and around Sønderborg and at handball matches.

Online Danish lessons provide flexibility to learn Danish alongside demanding jobs

When Suriya came to Denmark in 2018 to work for Danfoss, he was initially at the factory in Nordborg. Here he met colleagues who had been employed by the company for many years, but who were not so fluent in English. Suriya wanted to talk to them, so he was very keen to get started learning Danish. But because his position involved a lot of travel, it was often difficult for him to attend the weekly Danish lessons. A colleague recommended that he contact UCplus, which offers online Danish lessons, and it turned out to be the perfect solution for him and his wife Abi. In fact, UCplus, at the request of a group of Indian employees at Danfoss, has created a class exclusively for Indian employees.

“The advantage of UCplus’ online Danish is that I can participate even when I’m traveling. And our teacher, Pernille, has been so supportive the past 2 years by helping me understand the Danish language with a cultural perspective, ” says Suriya.

Abi, Suriya’s wife, did not have a job when she moved to Denmark in 2022. Like Suriya, she thinks it is important to learn Danish, so she started taking online Danish classes soon after she arrived in Sønderborg.

“I have learned about written and unwritten rules in Danish society, and it is helpful that we learn about Danish traditions. We did not know all the holidays in India, but when we learn about them, we understand what they mean to our Danish colleagues, and then we can say happy Easter, for example.”

All in with the social scene in Sønderborg

Suriya and Abi are going “all in” to integrate themselves into Sønderborg:

“We don’t just want to read up on Danish language and culture, but also experience life in Sønderborg,” says Suriya.

They use every opportunity to get out into the nature around Sønderborg, going for walks in the forest or going to the beach. At the beach, Abi saw how even very young children jump into the water. She couldn’t swim herself, but was inspired to learn, and last season she started on a swimming team for adult beginners.

Suriya plays volleyball three times a week at the Sønderborg Volleyball club and has also participated in tournaments in Løgumkloster and Kolding.

“I really enjoy playing volleyball, and Denmark has good and strong sport clubs.”

Suriya and Abi have also embraced the archetypal Danish sport of handball. They do not play themselves, but they follow the games from the sidelines when Sønderjyske plays.

Before coming to Sønderborg, they were not familiar with handball because it is not a sport that is common in India, but now they have learned the rules, and Suriya can mention several player names from Sønderjyske’s men’s team.

Learn Danish with UCplus

UCplus offers the three official Danish Language Courses that provide access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. The courses are offered at three levels, each consisting of six modules. You will be offered the level that fits your years of schooling and qualifications.

Would you like to learn Danish online? Read more and sign up here.

Ready for the PD3 exam after just 1.5 years of online Danish lessons with UCplus

Ready for the PD3 exam after just 1.5 years of online Danish lessons with UCplus

Ready for the PD3 exam after just 1.5 years of online Danish lessons with UCplus

Jan Lierz fell in love with Denmark during a family vacation to Jutland in 2018. He wanted to return and chose Aarhus University for his master’s degree. He also wanted to learn Danish and opted for online lessons with UCplus as this gives him flexibility to balance his university studies. After just 1.5 years of lessons, he is now preparing for the PD3 exam.

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Jan Lierz wanted to learn Danish and opted for online lessons with UCplus as this gives him flexibility in relation to his university studies.

Start Danish lessons as soon as possible

Originally from Düsseldorf, Germany, Jan Lierz holds a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. In August 2021, he started his master’s degree in Information Management at Aarhus BSS (Aarhus University – School of Business and Social Science), while also beginning online Danish lessons with UCplus.

“I knew Danes were good at speaking English. But I wanted to be able to communicate without English. So, for me, it was important to learn Danish. And it was important that I started learning the language as quickly as possible.”

Online lessons and daily practice

Jan chose online learning because it was easy to combine with his studies during the day. He found Danish and German to be similar, so reading Danish was not too difficult. Pronunciation, on the other hand, can be a bit of a challenge, but attending lessons helped.

“Our lessons always start with each of us speaking a bit, like telling what we did over the weekend. And it really helps that we speak in all the lessons.”

But Jan was also determined to use Danish outside of lessons.

“When I go grocery shopping, I always try to speak Danish. I say, ‘I’m not from Denmark, I’d like to practice my Danish.’”

Song lyrics and daily conversations

English is spoken a lot at the university, so Jan has been looking for ways to speak Danish. For example, he applied for student jobs and became a student assistant at a large auditing firm in Aarhus, where he speaks Danish with his colleagues.

At home, he listens to Danish podcasts like ‘Danish Coffee Break’ and Danish music from artists such as Peter Sommer and Thomas Helmig, who are also from Aarhus.

Jan has enjoyed studying in Aarhus, both because of the student life and the city’s location by the sea. He is very fond of Denmark, because he thinks it is an exciting country with a lot of good ideas, and he particularly likes Danish architecture and interior design.

He would like to stay, so in addition to preparing for PD3 and completing his university studies, Jan is also writing job applications to Danish companies.

We wish Jan the best of luck with both the PD3 exam and his job search!

Learn Danish with UCplus

UCplus offers the three official Danish Language Courses that provide access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. The courses are offered at three levels, each consisting of six modules. You will be offered the level that fits your years of schooling and qualifications.

Would you like to learn Danish online? Read more and sign up here.
