Language Center Aarhus (Closed)

Learn Danish at Language Center Silkeborg or Online

UCplus Language Center

UCplus no longer offers Danish language courses in Aarhus from december 31, 2024.

You can learn Danish Online or at our other Language Centers, for example, at our central location in Silkeborg.

For more information about your options for online courses or enrollment in courses in Silkeborg, you can contact us at 44 87 01 66

We hope that we can continue to help you learn Danish.

Learn Danish Online

We also offer the official Danish Language Education as 100% online Danish lessons. You always have the option to switch between online classes and classroom lessons at school, if your needs change. You can read more about that right here.

See how UCplus’ online teaching gives you:


  • A permanent teacher who knows your needs
  • Classmates with whom you can network
  • The freedom to participate from wherever it suits you best

In doubt?

You are always welcome to call us at 44 87 01 66, if you are unsure what the best way to learn Danish is for you.

UCplus students learn Danish through art and culture

UCplus students learn Danish through art and culture

Hvordan kan kunst skabe samtaler om sprog, kultur og identitet? Det var temaet, da kursister deltog i det første arrangement i en ny serie af udflugter “UCplus Art Tours”, hvor kursisterne oplevede den aktuelle udstilling “Du ser mig an – som jeg ser dig”.

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