UCplus Language Centre Silkeborg nurtures progress and proficiency in Danish

At the UCplus Language Centre in Silkeborg, the teachers and staff make a great effort to establish a safe environment and favourable conditions so that students can excel in Danish and thrive in Denmark. We spoke with some of the students and with Language Centre Manager Sarah Smedemark Johnsen about what it takes to become proficient in Danish.
Anna kursist
Language consultants at UCplus Language Centre in Silkeborg strive to create a pleasant learning environment, making students feel secure and encouraging them to speak Danish.

Language Consultants give good guidance

Moving to Denmark as a foreigner typically involves several challenges: finding a new job, housing, friends, and not least, learning a new language. At UCplus’ Language Centre in Silkeborg, they are aware of these challenges. Language Centre manager Sarah Smedemark explains, “Our language consultants have excellent relationships with the students, and if someone misses classes for any reason, we write to them saying, ‘we miss you in class.’ It’s important that they know and feel they are not just a number in a system, but that we see them as individuals, and we are eager to help them learn Danish, so they can find jobs and make friends.”

FVU: A good path to learning more Danish

Besides regular Danish courses, the Language Centre in Silkeborg also offers FVU Danish. This is education for adults wanting to improve their Danish skills, particularly those needing better competencies in the Danish language, reading, and writing.

Sorina and Alina, two students from Romania, attend a FVU class. Sorina is a housekeeping supervisor at Hotel Scandic in Silkeborg, and Alina is a cleaner in a small business. Both appreciate

the opportunity to take FVU Danish at UCplus, as their jobs do not offer many chances to practice Danish.

“It’s very important for me to attend the Language Centre because I want to improve my Danish,” Sorina explains. Alina adds, “I really enjoy the classes now. I feel that I am progressing here, and it makes me want to speak more.”

The Language Centre boosts confidence for Japanese Chihiro

In 2017, Japanese Chihiro travelled to Aarhus to study the Danish welfare system as part of her bachelor’s degree in global studies. There, she met her Danish husband. After some years in Japan, the couple decided to move back to Denmark. Chihiro started at UCplus Language Centre in August 2023 to improve her Danish. She aims to pursue a master’s degree in Denmark and wants to communicate better with her in-laws.

“I really enjoy the classes at UCplus’ Language Centre. The teachers are very kind and helpful, and I appreciate that we learn both the language and about Danish culture. I have made good friends in my Danish class, and everyone is very eager to become proficient Danish speakers. We practice a lot, and it gives me more confidence to speak with Danes,” says Chihiro.

Anna kursist
During an Open House arrangement at the Language Centre, Chihiro drew on her Japanese background to teach everyone how to make origami in Danish.

About UCplus Language Centre Silkeborg

The Language Centre offers Danish language courses at all levels of the official Danish Education both at the centre in Dalgasgade, at local businesses, and online. This means you can participate in the Danish education whenever and wherever it suits you best.

The education is offered at three levels, and each level consists of six modules. You will be offered to start at the level that matches your years of schooling and qualifications.

The Study Exam is not offered.

If you want to start, call us on +45 3127 4540 or write an email to Language Centre Manager, Sarah Smedemark Johnsen: ssj@ucplus.dk
