FAQ - engelsk (9)

We offer the Official Danish Language Education programmes (DU1, DU2 and DU3) and FVU Danish courses. The Danish Language Education programmes are the official Danish Language Education programmes offered free of charge to all new residents in Denmark. FVU (Forberedende Voksen Undervisning – Preparatory Adult Education) are free Danish language courses. You must know some Danish already to start a FVU course. Both the Danish Education programmes and FVU courses are available as online classes and classroom teaching.

You can attend Danish classes at UCplus Dansk day, evening, weekend and 100% online.

We offer classes at 4 locations in Copenhagen and at our language centres in Greve, Skovlunde, Aarhus, Sønderborg, Ringkøbing, Silkeborg and Tønder.

The Danish Education and Driver’s Training programme (Dansk- og Chaufføruddannelsen) is only offered in Skovlunde.

We also teach Danish to students, employees and spouses of employees at a number of educational institutions across Denmark.

See all UCplus language centres here.

As a self-supporting student you are required to pay a deposit of DKK 2000 at the beginning of your Danish Language Education Programme. The amount will be reimbursed in full upon completion of a module by means of a module test or final examination within the nominated timeframe.

If you are taking a break from class, you are entitled to have your deposit refunded. You can get the refund by filling out this form. 
Please note that you’ll be asked to pay the deposit again when you resume classes. We can also freeze your deposit, while you are on break.

If you do not complete your module within the nominated timeframe, you risk losing your full deposit of DKK 2000 and will be required to pay a new deposit if you wish to start on the subsequent module.

The rules for deposits apply to all language centers, and UCplus administers the deposit on behalf of your municipality. This means UCplus has no authority to make individual rulings when it comes to reimbursing deposits.

Au pairs and family reunification students are exempt from paying a deposit, but your municipality has the final say on whether you are required to pay a deposit, in accordance with Danish law.

When you are registered and active at the Danish Language Education programme at UCplus, you will be offered a free mobile subscription. You are registered, once you have paid the deposit.

If you no longer have the right to the Official Danish Education, you have the option to pay for a Danish module yourself. Contact UCplus at 44 87 01 66 for more information about the price. This also applies if you wish to study from abroad

FVU courses are free, but you must know some Danish already to take a course.

See more here.

You sign up for all our courses under each course page. Once we have received your registration, you will be invited to a preliminary consultation

The goal of the preliminary consultation is to evaluate your Danish level and which Danish course might suit you best.

See our Danish courses here.

Both non-course participants and course participants at UCplus can sign up for the Danish exams (Prøve i Dansk 1, 2 and 3), the Danish Citizenship Test (Indfødsretsprøven) and the Active Citizenship Test (Medborgerskabsprøven).

See and sign up for exams and tests here.

Non-course participants must pay a fee and are only registered when payment has been made.

Course participants at UCplus Dansk must be taking one of the final modules in order to register for a Danish exam:

Danish Language Education 1, module 6: Prøve i dansk 1 (PD1)
Danish Language Education 2, module 6: Prøve i dansk 2 (PD2)
Danish Language Education 3, module 5: Prøve i dansk 3 (PD3)
Danish Language Education 3, module 6: Studieprøven (the final Study Exam)

If you are a non-course participant, you can sign up for a Danish exam regardless of your level.

It is very individual how long it takes to learn Danish. It depends on your language background, whether you speak Danish in your day-to-day life and how much time you spend on your homework. But we have average times for how long our course participants use to finish the individual modules.

You are welcome to call us at +45 44 87 01 66 or email us at info@ucplus.dk and we will help you as soon as possible.

You can find all of our language centers here.
