UCplus’s study café was a huge help for Julia

In just two years, Julia has managed to complete the Official Danish Education program and get a job in Copenhagen. Read why she wanted to learn Danish and how she used UCplus’s study café as extra help during her education.

Anna kursist

Julia attended UCplus’ study café because she wanted to learn more Danish, and she experienced the café as a very open and safe place where everyone could come and ask questions. Private photo.

Study café creates space for extra learning

Julia came to Denmark from Belarus two years ago as an accompanying spouse. Her husband started an exciting job at an international company in Copenhagen, so they uprooted their lives and settled with their two daughters in Østerbro. Despite the fact that both Julia and her husband had a lot to deal with when they arrived, Julia was determined to learn Danish.

“I started learning Danish at UCplus after I had been here for three months. I wanted to be able to talk to the teachers and write messages to them and other parents. For me, it is important to understand the people I meet. And I want to become part of Danish society.”

Not only did Julia attend Danish lessons twice a week, but she also chose to use UCplus’s study café at the main Language Centre in Gyldenløvesgade in the heart of Copenhagen.

“I went to the study café because I wanted to learn more. I had all sorts of questions, for example, how I should write to the other parents that I wanted to invite my daughters’ friends for playdates. It was a great help to me, and I experienced the café as a very open and safe place where we could all come and ask questions.”

Passes PD3 in under two years and finds a job

Julia’s great effort to learn Danish led to good results. She completed the entire Official Danish Education Program and passed her PD3 exam in under two years, after which she

had time to look for a job. With her from Belarus, Julia has a Master’s in marketing, and she has always wanted to use the knowledge she has in a job in Denmark.

The job search process was a bit challenging, but Julia kept her head high, and she continued to do everything she could to practice her Danish.

“I read the news in Danish, and I watch Danish series. I speak Danish with the other parents at my daughters’ school and kindergarten, and at the table tennis club, where I can have fun playing while also using my Danish.”

Once again, Julia’s determination has paid off, and she has now gotten a job as a marketing coordinator at In Store Marketing Denmark.

The Official Danish Education helps you become proficient in Danish

UCplus offers the three official Danish language courses, which grant you access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. The education is offered at three levels, and each level consists of six modules. You will be offered to start at the level that matches the number of years of schooling you have and your qualifications.

Read more about the Danish education and sign up here
