Summer School in Copenhagen 2024

Get better at Danish and get to know Copenhagen

Do you want to learn or get better at Danish during your summer vacation?

Join our Summer School in Copenhagen and improve your Danish skills while meeting others.

Our Summer School is held for both beginners and experienced Danish speakers, who want to improve their Danish skills – while having fun!

We focus on pronunciation and provide you with plenty of exercises and tips on how to start using Danish in your daily life.

There will also be a wide range of activities where you will get to experience the city in new and exciting ways.

We have fun together, and you will make new friends and get lots of opportunities to speak Danish.

UCplus’ summer school is great way to get a good start in Denmark.

Classes are two times a week starting from 1st of July 2024 at our Language Center in Gyldenløvsgade 11, 1600 Copenhagen V or online at Microsoft Teams.

The summer school is free of charge with a deposit of DKK 2000 if you’re entitled to the official Danish Language Education programmes. 

Free mobile subscription
When you are registered and active at the Danish Language Education programme at UCplus, you will be offered a free mobile subscription with 15 GB Data and unlimited talk. You are registered, once you have paid the deposit.

Summer School Activities

Summer School Activities

The summer school has activities every week, and here is some of the events you can look forward to.

Read more about sign-up, date and time through this link.

Canal tour and café
Join us on a canal tour, where we explore Copenhagen’s beautiful canals and experience the city’s architecture from the water. After the tour, we will take a nice break at a local café.

Guided tour in Copenhagen
We will walk through the city and learn about a range of its iconic landmarks and hidden treasures.

Vegan sandwich course
Make, eat, and learn about Denmark’s first fast food: “Smørrebrød”! We’ll combine seasonal greens, different textures, and delicious bread – 100% vegan – for a flavor explosion and maybe discover a new side of Danish cuisine.

Foraging in the wild nature of Copenhagen
Identify and gather the wild herbs and various plants thriving in our local area and learn about their uses.

Roskilde Cathedral
Join us on a trip to Roskilde Cathedral, one of Denmark’s most impressive churches and a UNESCO World Heritage site, and gain insight into Denmark’s history and cultural heritage.

Design Museum
Denmark is known for design, and we will look at everything from classic Danish design to modern furniture.

More about Summer School in Copenhagen

Summerschool - EN (4)

As a self-supporting student you are required to pay a deposit of DKK 2000 at the beginning of your Danish Language Education Programme. The amount will be reimbursed in full upon completion of a module by means of a module test or final examination within the nominated timeframe.

If you do not complete your module within the nominated timeframe, you risk losing your full deposit of DKK 2000 and will be required to pay a new deposit if you wish to start on the subsequent module.

The rules for deposits apply to all language centers, and UCplus administers the deposit on behalf of your municipality. This means UCplus has no authority to make individual rulings when it comes to reimbursing deposits.

Au pairs and family reunification students are exempt from paying a deposit, but your municipality has the final say on whether you are required to pay a deposit, in accordance with Danish law.

*If you wish to receive a full reimbursement, you must pass the module test within the nominated timeframe

How to complete your Danish Language Education with a good result

UCplus wants you to complete your Danish Language Education with a good result and we hope that you are able and willing to put in the extra effort. We highly recommend that you participate actively in class and that you complete the assigned homework. If you are unable to attend class, we kindly ask that you inform us. If you are unable to attend a few classes, your teacher may assign you additional homework.

Please be aware that long periods of non-attendance may result in loss of deposit. If you need a long break, regardless of reason, we highly recommend that you contact our administration, so that we may help you in the best possible way.

We aim to be flexible

If you wish to change your schedule, to a different time or a different day, please contact our administration, and we will attempt to find a class that is better suited for you.

Module test

Each module in the programme concludes with a module test, which may be a written test, an oral test or both. When your teacher thinks you are ready to take the test, you will be given a date for the test. UCplus’ teachers administer the test in accordance with ministerial guidelines.


The Summer School lessons start on Monday the 1st of July. Read more in “Find the class that fits you”.


The lessons take place in our Language Centre at Gyldenløvsgade 11, 1600 Copenhagen V.
You can also participate online via Microsoft Teams.

The Official Danish Language Education programmes at UCplus are offered to adults (+18 years). You are entitled to the Official Danish Language Education for up to 42 months (3½ years) within a five-year period. The five-year period begins when you arrive in Denmark. You must have a residence permit and permanent, legal residence in Denmark.

You do not need to have any knowledge of the Danish language to attend.

Beginner Classes: You can choose a 4-week intensive beginner course in July or a 4-week intensive course in August.

The intensive beginner courses are offered during the periods:

• July 1 – July 26

• July 29 – August 23

And you can choose between:

Morning Classes:

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 09:00 – 11:35

Evening Classes:

Monday and Wednesday from 17:00 – 20:30

Or Tuesday and Thursday from 17:00 – 20:30

If you already speak some Danish:

You can be assigned to a continuation class that fits your level.

Please note – this type of class is not intensive however it continues after the summer.

Continuation classes are held twice a week at:

• 09:00 – 11:35

• 17:00 – 19:35

• 19:50 – 21:30

You can also take online classes once a week from 17:00 – 19:35.

Registration for UCplus’ summer school is closed for this year. See you next year.

Registration for UCplus’ summer school is closed for this year. See you next year.

Benefits of attending Danish Education

  • You learn Danish pronunciation, reading and writing
  • You have a regular teacher who knows you and your goals
  • You can practice at home with customized online Danish exercises whenever it suits you
  • You get feedback from your teacher on all your assignments, so you can get even better at speaking and writing Danish
  • You will learn about Copenhagen
  • You expand your network in Denmark

To attend,
you must

  • Be eligible for Danish Language Education
  • Be able to attend an initial interview and module testing at one of our language centres
  • Pay a DKK 2000 deposit
  • Be prepared to learn a lot

In doubt?

You are always welcome to call us at +45 44 87 01 66, if you are unsure what the best way to learn Danish is for you.
