UCplus has won back the contract to offer Danish Education to adult foreigners in the City of Copenhagen. The new contract is valid from the 1st of August 2022 and four years onwards. UCplus has had the contract for the last four years.

“We are very proud to have won back the contract and see it as a recognition of the quality of the efforts we have made over the last four years. With a re-won contract, we can build on the great work we have put into developing a strong labor market-oriented Danish education concept that makes it easier for new residents to live, study, work and be integrated in Denmark”, says Head of Language Center Mette Lherbier, who is especially looking forward to continuing the collaboration with companies and educational institutions:

“Our goal is to develop and deliver Danish language teaching that meets the demand in the market. In the next four years, we will, among other things, focus on further developing our digital teaching concepts, so that we meet the needs of students and companies for flexibility to an even greater degree.”
