Online Danish Courses help newcomers and accompanying partners settle in Denmark

There is a lot to take care of when you are an accompanying partner, and you are starting a new life in Denmark. You might find it difficult to find time to learn Danish, even though you know it’s important. Katalin and Alessia found a solution to this. They were both determined to learn Danish, and to make everything work, they attended the Official Danish Education Programme online. This gave them the necessary flexibility to be able to help their children get going in their new schools, whilst learning Danish at the same time.
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Katalin from Hungary and Alessia from Italy are both accompanying partners. They are happy living in Aarhus and are eager to find work in the area. To achieve this, they are working hard to become proficient in Danish.

Learning Danish leads to integration

53-year-old Katalin and her husband and three children moved to Denmark from Hungary. They decided to leave due to the political situation in their homeland. Fortunately, Katalin’s husband found a job in Aarhus, and now the family has settled in successfully. Katalin has a background in HR, and she would very much like to find a job in Aarhus where she can use her professional skills, and therefore she is putting a lot of effort into becoming a proficient Danish speaker.

“It is important for me to learn Danish so I can settle here properly, so I can talk to my children’s teachers at school, the other parents, and our neighbors.”

Alessia is from Italy and lives in Aarhus with her husband, who works at Grundfos, and their two daughters, aged 9 and 11. Like Katalin, she also wants to be able communicate effortlessly in Danish in daily life, and she feels that she gets the best conditions from the lessons at UCplus.

“We always start the lessons by talking together about what we have done. Our teacher keeps track of what we do, and she asks us about the things we need to practice. And we work on getting better at speaking, writing, and grammar.”

Qualified language support and a regular teacher

Professional teachers, qualified language support, and flexibility. These are the core elements of UCplus’ online Danish courses. Being able to log into the lessons from home provides flexibility, which is crucial for many students, and Katalin feels that she gets a lot out of the online lessons.

“We cover many interesting topics that are about Denmark, e.g., the environment, equality, education and work. We talk about culture and traditions, and it helps us understand what Danish culture is like. Our teacher is creative and presents us with many different types of assignments. It means a lot that we have the same teacher. She follows us and knows what we can do and what we need to work on. She keeps us motivated and gives us the courage to keep learning and developing – even when it’s difficult.”

Tina Christiansen, who is one of UCplus’ online teachers, does not meet the students physically that often, but she still gets to know them really well.

“I have a lot of contact with the students. I write to them regularly, and we always talk about how they are getting on and what they have been doing since we last spoke. And the informal talks create a good community in the group while the students practice their Danish.”

Learn Danish at UCplus

Do you also want to start learning Danish? UCplus offers the Official Danish Education programs, which give you access to official exams and a good start in Denmark. You will be offered to start at the level that matches the number of years of schooling you have and your qualifications, and you can learn Danish online, or at one of UCplus’ language centers.

Read more and sign up here
